Forum on lifelong learning in Kumanovo
On November 19th in Kumanovo, the last of four forums within the Days of Lifelong Learning was held in partnership with the Center for Intercultural Dialogue. Panelists at the forum were Samoil Malcevski, MSc, Stefan Manevski from the Center for Intercultural Dialogue, as well as Mr. Blage Jakimovski, head of the Center for Employment in Kumanovo and Ms. Tatjana Shestovikj, advisor in the Agency for Employment in the Republic of Macedonia. At the forum around 20 representatives of educational institutions and civil society organizations were present. In hour and a half, research findings from the sphere of higher education and non-formal education were presented. The local situation in Kumanovo with specific focus on the possibilities for non-formal education was also pointed out.
Forums on lifelong learning in Bitola and Struga
As part of the ninth “Days of lifelong learning” two forums on the topic “Lifelong learning – path to society prepared for the labor market” were successfully held in Bitola and Struga. The forum in Bitola was held at the Youth Cultural Center where representatives from CDI – Tetovo, DVV International – Skopje, Employment Center – Bitola and Worker’s University - Bitola spoke about the importance of adult education and lifelong learning for the community development. The attention was drawn to the ongoing projects and activities by the Employment Agency of the Republic of Macedonia and the Workers' University in Bitola. In Struga the importance of formal and informal education for personal and professional development were emphasized. The Director of the Employment Agency in Struga put attention to the connection between the activities of the agency and the concept of lifelong learning. The forums put particular emphasis on non-formal education through e-learning platform. This method of learning is expected to be one of the main sources for acquiring new skills and competencies in the future.
Days of Lifelong Learning
ADAE this year as well will be part of the Day of Lifelong Learning, manifestation organized by dvv International- office Skopje. This year we organize four forums named "Lifelong Learning- path towards society ready for the job market." The forums will take place in Bitola, Struga, Kumanovo and Shtip in November.
ADAE registered as civil society association
The Alliance for Lifelong Learning and Adult Education was established as a program within the Association Community Development Institute- Tetovo in 2011. Within the frames of the program several activities were implemented, such as the participation in the Days of Lifelong Learning 2011, and with direct support from CDI, LLN conducted a pilot survey on the situation of the providers of non-formal education in the Republic of Macedonia. Given the greater emphasis on lifelong learning and the need for adult education on every level, according to the recommendation of the work meeting in Tetovo in March 2012, LLN registered as legal entity in July 2012 so it could act on its own on projects and activities that lead towards accomplishment of the goals of LLN. LLN is open for cooperation with all of the relevant institutions that work on adult education and lifelong learning.